Three Things You Need To Know Before You Publish Your First Book


If you are about to publish your first book, congratulations! Regardless of whether your book becomes a best-seller or if only your friends and family buy copies, you have accomplished a lifetime goal that many people will never achieve. Every industry, no matter how exciting, has less-than-intriguing aspects involved. The same is true in the publishing world. Here are three things to know before you publish your first book. Get an ISBN Number

18 March 2015

Preparing Your Resume With A Good Presentation In Mind


When it comes to preparing a great resume, content is only half of the equation. The presentation of the resume is the other important factor. Employers want to be impressed when they review your resume—not just by your education and work experience, but also the thought you put into preparing this document. Choosing the appropriate type of paper will serve as step one in preparing a resume that will impress.

16 March 2015

Critical Copier Maintenance


Many people—line staff through executives—don't realize just how essential a copier is to their daily operations. At least, until the copier breaks down. This lack of appreciation for certain pieces of equipment is often what leads to the improper care that helps malfunctions develop. Avoiding the following mistakes can help you keep your copier operational for as long as possible.  Keep Your Copier Clean Copiers can get dirty, whether you realize it or not.

16 March 2015

3 Tips To Save Money On Offset Printing


Although you might have heard a lot of benefits about digital printing, there are many reasons why you might prefer offset printing for your printed business materials. For example, there is often more flexibility with offset printing, and you can enjoy higher-quality prints. Unfortunately, offset printing can cost quite a bit more than digital printing, but there are ways to cut costs. If you follow these three tips next time you use offset printing, you can save a bundle while still enjoying high-quality printed materials.

16 March 2015

What Is A Print Ready PDF?


Creating a print ready PDF and submitting it to your printing services provider like Executive Services can speed up the printing process and allow you to get hard copies of your documents quicker. When you send a print ready PDF, you can avoid having to send multiple files in many cases. You won't have to send as much instruction on the print job to the printer. This means that there will be less room for error or confusion.

16 March 2015

Art And Decor Tips For Your Baby's Nursery


Decorating your baby's nursery is an excitement-filled labor of love. From the furniture to the color of the walls, you want everything to be just perfect. When it comes to selecting the artwork and adding those final details, choices go beyond just appearances: Put Safety First All decor items, whether for the top of the dresser or for display on the wall, must be safe. Soft toys and non-breakable items are the best choice for display items and storage.

13 March 2015

Printing Name Badges For Employees? Here's How To Cut Costs


If you are in need of name badges for the employees who work at your company, you could be concerned that it will cost a lot to have them made. Luckily, you don't have to go broke to purchase name badges for your employees. Give a few of these tips a try, and you may be able to save more than you think while still ending up with the high-quality name badges that you need.

11 March 2015